
Round Collar Dress Shirts

The widest Round Collar Shirts online collection. Why? Because all our dress shirts are made to order, to your exact measurement, you will find all fabrics and sizes available to design your custom-made men's rounded collar shirt the way you want it. Dress the real you, wearing clothes that reflect your personality.

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from 49€
Custom Dress Shirts
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Our approach to fashion brings together the convenience of online shopping and the experience of having custom made clothes. This allows us to offer you a great product at the best price through a touchless experience.

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Ultimate Guide to Types of Shirt Collars

Collars are essentially the most prominent feature on every dress shirt and naturally the next glance-stop after the face. Sometimes, it's the first if you manage to bring your A-collar game to the event. A suitable collar style should inspire confidence, ooze class, and be a great fit. And quite contrary to held belief-a collar design doesn't necessarily have to go with the shape of a person's face.

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